Attorney feature articles in Massachusetts

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Results 1 to 15 out of 15 articles for "2006"

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The Road to Equality

Mary Bonauto fights for love and marriage

Oh Henry!

Vickie Henry has made a career of winning difficult fights and doing it with a smile

A Valuable Deduction

Tax attorney Eric Rothenberg invests in big-screen success

A Fireside Chat with James Roosevelt Jr.

The only thing he has to fear is … that the Bush administration will try again to privatize his grandfather’s Social Security system

Albano's Crusade

Jonathan Albano forced the Catholic Church to open its sealed records on sexual abuse

The Power of Marsha Kazarosian

How one attorney got a country club to play fair

Catching the Shutter Bug

Fine-art photographer Clyde Bergstresser captures the world on film

Monkey Business

Ellen Epstein Cohen doesn’t clown around when she represents the circus

Freedom Fighter

Jennifer Chunias can't rest knowing innocent people are in prison

Striving for Perfection

Anna Sankaran works hard to set an example for Boston's growing south Asian legal community

Wonder Woman

There is exactly one life sciences patent attorney in the state with a side practice in quantum mechanics: Brenda Herschbach Jarrell

Beautiful Days in The Neighborhoods

Lee Harrington looks back on his life as a rock god

Fever Pitcher

David T. Mitrou takes his throwing arm to the big screen, courtesy of the Farrelly Brothers

"He Helped Me With Everything I Have in America"

Halim Moris came to the United States at age 15 with only a backpack and $25 in hand, now he's one of the top immigration lawyers in Boston

The Conservative Libertarian

Mike Williams chafes at the use of racial preferences anywhere in society