Attorney feature articles in New Jersey

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Results 1 to 11 out of 11 articles for "2009"

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Expanding Sir Richard’s Empire

Peter Lurie on co-founding Virgin Mobile USA

A Clean Slate

Geoffrey Rosamond helps ex-convicts prepare for re-entry

The Killer

When Stephen Haller raises and lowers his voice, people listen

Ron Rosen’s Universe

After handling stressful marital dispute cases all day, he comes home to his trains

Ain’t No Mountain High Enough

Mike Griffinger will tackle any challenge for a good cause

That’s Not a Real Cohiba

And Owen McKeon would know

Laser Show

Gina Longarzo stays grounded, even during cases with alleged national security implications

Mr. Connected

Angelo Genova goes from coffeehouse crooner to power player

Bearing Witness

Raymond Brown believes no one is beyond redemption