Attorney feature articles in New Jersey

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Results 1 to 7 out of 7 articles for "2013"

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Warrior Ethos

When representing disabled soldiers, Michael Pasquale never accepts defeat

The Letter of the Law

Former Morristown postman Sal Simeone strives to make a difference for families

From Liberia to Liberty

The Gibbons environmental lawyer arrived in America from Liberia to follow her dreams

The Most Dangerous Man in the Courtroom

Just try and pull a fast one on Paul Rowe—chances are he’s already seen it

‘The Blonde Blur’

Opposing counsel must move fast to keep pace with employment law innovator Nancy Erika Smith

Just the Facts, Ma’am

Eric Kahn and Rubin Sinins ‘make it right for Molly’ in the Tyler Clementi case

An Audience with the Pope

Anthony Pope on the murder trial he had no business trying, working the Newark narcotics beat, and casting calls with Sidney Lumet