Attorney feature articles in New Jersey

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Results 1 to 6 out of 6 articles for "2015"

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The Detail Man

PI plaintiff’s attorney Michael Maggiano drills down and connects dots

Encountering Mrs. Smith

It would take more than a doubting guidance counselor to keep Miguel Alexander Pozo from his dream

Election Protection

Rajiv Parikh’s idea of a happy ending is when every vote counts

‘Straight Love, No Chaser’

From judges to book clubs, Paulette Brown, the incoming president of the American Bar Association, tells it like it is

Promise Keeper

Kevin H. Marino, involved in the Bridgegate and Flash Boys trials, doesn’t believe juries believe ‘innocent until proven guilty’

Not Forks and Knives

Amy Sara Cores knows when to hold ’em and fold ’em in family law cases, but international kidnapping cases weigh heavily