Attorney feature articles in Oregon

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Results 1 to 8 out of 8 articles for "2006"

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The Earth-Watchers

Lawyers in the midst of the environmental fray

Representing the Reprehensible

Why would anyone want to make a living defending society’s deviants? Four of Oregon’s best criminal defense attorneys explain their motivations

When Dishes Fly ...

... most folks get out of the way. But not divorce lawyers: They stick around to help pick up the pieces

Damage Control

When Lawrence Wobbrock shows up in court, he comes to win. The personal injury attorney’s jury award against Philip Morris  was the largest in state history.

Where There's a Will...

...there's a Super Lawyer

Many Thanks

Five successful lawyers offer a few words of thanks for the mentors who got their careers on track

Supreme Thrill

For a lawyer, arguing a case before the highest court in the land brings supreme satisfaction

Against the Odds

The obstacles for women and minorities in the legal arena are shrinking—and for this group of diverse Oregon lawyers, the remaining hurdles are just asking to be cleared