Attorney feature articles

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Results 55 to 73 out of 299 articles for "2007"

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The Tattler

We know what you don't know about the goings on with Texan lawyers

First Lady

Linda Lea Viken helped pave the way for South Dakota women in law

The Compassion of Brownrigg

When Nebraska lawyers need help, they turn to John Brownrigg

The Deciders

Phaedra Parks and others talk about being young and hanging a shingle

No Man is an Island

Sea Islander Cal Smith is anything but isolated

Legal Double Eagle

Josh Kamin’s favorite real estate? 18 holes

The Listener

Entertainment lawyer Stephen Weizenecker on the pitfalls of fame

Georgia's Favorite Nephew

Lawton Jordan grew up at Camp David. So why is he disillusioned with politics?

Truth, Justice and the Cendali Way

Who protects Harry Potter? IP lawyer Dale Cendali

The Lawyers of Summer

Talkin’ baseball with the general counsels of the Yankees and Mets

The Lawyer Who Freed Prince

L. Londell McMillan learned business and advocacy from the best: his mother


The dust hasn’t begun to settle on 9/11 litigation

The First First Amendment Lawyer

Floyd Abrams on the Pentagon Papers, Judith Miller and why clerkships are great (it’s not why you think)

The Other Side of Raoul Felder

The most controversial lawyer in New York (this year) comes clean

His Excellency

Jonathan Mechanic knows New York better than you do

The Lawyer Who Freed Prince

L. Londell McMillan learned business and advocacy from the best: his mother

A Man for All Religions

Kelly Shackelford fights for people of faith

Order in the Chorus

Justin Klimko’s musical parodies target most everyone