Attorney feature articles

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Results 19 to 37 out of 190 articles for "2023"

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Because He Can

Advocating for the marginalized is Will Hoch’s calling

Seven Decades of Lawyering with Paul Sugarman

One of the nation’s longest-tenured lawyers looks back

After the Smoke Cleared

How Boston attorneys prosecuted the criminal trial—and helped victims in need

A Moral Obligation

Why Catherine Mohan helps immigrant children and families

Expect the Unexpected

Going to the bench and back with John Nazzaro

Restless Woman Searching

Family attorney and novelist Christine Whitehead sees herself in her characters

‘Where It’s Been, Where It’s Heading’

A talk with rising stars who will take the legal profession into the 2050s

Wakatta Forever

The lessons Matthew Draper learned in Japan influence his arbitration practice


How Ankit Kapoor went from cop to family lawyer

The Deal of the Art

The problematic past (stolen antiquities) and problematic future (AI) of art law

Online Conduct Unbecoming

Carrie Goldberg is still fighting psychos, stalkers, pervs and trolls—and Amazon

He Represents Them Well in the Chelsea Hotel

Samuel Himmelstein’s tenants rights practice includes the NYC landmark

Rumble in the Bronx

Nicole Aldridge-Henry coaches the next generation on more than just law

‘If We Divorce, I Get Elena’

Why Elena Karabatos is the family lawyer for 95% of the human race

Fox and Not-Quite Friends

Stephen Shackelford co-led the Dominion team that took down Fox News

Land of Opportunity

Andrés Correa believes that’s an ideal worth striving for

Best Director, Bar None

Martha Hofmeister is the guiding hand behind the Dallas Bar’s comedic variety show