Attorney feature articles

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Results 55 to 73 out of 190 articles for "2023"

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Coat of Many Conflicts

And that was just the beginning of the tumult in Rosa Parks’ estate case

Shaping Seattle

Faith Li Pettis has helped fund major community projects and guide the city’s quest for affordable housing

Goliath Slayer

Parker Folse was still a newcomer in town when he started taking on Pacific Northwest icons

The Superpowers of Don Scaramastra

The Seattle attorney says all lawyers have the ability—and obligation—to help others around them

Advocacy, Class Actions and Food Trucks

Beth Terrell takes on cases and causes for those without a voice

The Future of Auto Litigation

Lawsuits will increasingly be about the technology designed to prevent accidents

Paddling Passion

How Matt Menzer found his ‘ohana’

‘Just Keep Moving Forward’

After cancer, Scott Lundberg became Iron Man 

Repping ‘the Boy in the Cage’

How Seth Rosenberg tackled racism in Seattle schools

Making Allies Rather Than Adversaries

Discovery with Gwyndolyn Styarfyr


How Ryan O’Connor and a team of attorneys changed Oregon law

A Little Bit of ‘I’ll Show You’

How Judy Langevin learned to do good where she can

Cultural Resolution

Linda Mealey-Lohmann’s longtime passion for China

A Growing Business

Jason Tarasek on cannabis law and what’s next

Going to the Mat

When Bob Bennett stands against wrongdoers in the police and elsewhere, it’s a no-holds-barred street fight