Attorney feature articles in Washington DC

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Results 1 to 6 out of 6 articles for "2015"

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Masters of the Insurance Universe

Lorelie S. Masters is an insurance lawyer by day, social activist by night—and in 2014, the overachieving moonlighter added political candidate, too

Once More, a Data Breach, Dear Friends

Protecting yourself against identity theft

Trevor Potter and the Magic Briefcase

Does Trevor Potter look familiar? The Caplin & Drysdale lawyer helped Stephen Colbert’s “Americans For A Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow” Super PAC navigate federal election law

Homage to Sarchio

The granddaughter of a Francisco Franco political prisoner, Christina Guerola Sarchio grew up to prosecute her FORMER neighborhood bully

The 554 Million-Dollar Man

Sam Buffone led the way for the Navajo Nation’s historic settlement—oh, and he kept Google out of trouble, too

The Kansas Peach

Ty Cobb, a distant relative of the famous ballplayer, is a big gun on whom powerful people rely