Answers in Pennsylvania about Drug & Alcohol Violations

John J. Waldron

When is it simple possession vs. possession with intent to deliver in Pennsylvania?

Whether or not you will be charged with simple possession or possession with intent to deliver largely depends on the weight. For example, in …Sponsored answer by John J. Waldron

Matthew M. McClenahen

What is the Difference Between Felony and Misdemeanor Drug Possession in Pennsylvania?

One of the most misunderstood aspects of Pennsylvania criminal law is the difference between felony level and misdemeanor level drug possession. …Sponsored answer by Matthew M. McClenahen

Matthew M. McClenahen

What are the penalties for marijuana possession in Pennsylvania?

Marijuana is categorized as a Schedule I drug under the Pennsylvania Drug Device and Cosmetic Act, meaning that it has no legitimate medical use. It …Sponsored answer by Matthew M. McClenahen

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