About Aundrea Stone Hanna

Aundrea Stone Hanna Articles written 1

Articles written by Aundrea Stone Hanna

Being a Soft-Hearted Workaholic Who Can Cuss a Blue Streak

Discovery with Aundrea Stone Hanna

My nickname is … Mom, Momma, MOMMMAAAAA. For 27 years, I have heard this from sun up to sun down. No matter how old they get, it does not change and I am so thankful. I can’t go a day without … working. If you were in my office, you’d … hear me cuss. It’s genetic. All the women in my family would smile at you in such an unassuming manner, then slit your throat with their words. My colleagues would be surprised to know that … I am super soft-hearted. Big. Time. When I was …

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