About Kathryn Naegeli Boling

Kathryn Naegeli Boling Articles written 1

Articles written by Kathryn Naegeli Boling

Local Counsel with Kathryn Naegeli Boling

Seattle’s Kathryn Boling tells us what’s good in the neighborhood

Best place to take a client  -  Blueacre Seafood. I mean, there’s a lawyer joke built into the name (the owner is a recovering lawyer).  Favorite building  -  Seattle Central Library. Imagine a glass-paneled building in the shape of a frog.  Least favorite building  -  The federal building downtown. Favorite historical fact about Seattle  -  Seattle had a devastating fire in 1889, and instead of rebuilding as it was, the leaders decided to fill in the wreckage and build the new …

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