Attorney feature articles in Missouri

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Results 1 to 18 out of 78 articles

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‘If You Want to Be a Lawyer, Go Be One’

Five Missouri attorneys reflect on the past two decades of life and law

From the Outside

Former deputy general counsel Andy Hirth is still working to improve the government

A Desire for Service

Jerina Phillips lives out her earliest dreams to do good

Choosing the Open Door

St. Louis attorneys tell their stories of immigrating to the U.S.

‘The Whole World Just Goes Slow Motion’

Mike McMullen on life behind the lens

Cool in Combat

Family attorney Justin Crozier was an Army mental health specialist

'As Iron Sharpens Iron'

Mike Blumenthal’s journey into the martial arts

Fully Engaged

Ashley Atwell-Soler’s language skills have put her in high demand

'A Box Seat at the World Series'

Chip Robertson on his stint with Missouri’s highest court

Ed V. Traditional Advertising

How Ed Herman amassed millions of YouTube views

Going It Alone

Six attorneys share the risks and rewards of a solo practice 

A Star in Her Role

Kerensa Cassis honed her competitive edge on the basketball court

A Lifetime of Service

Former intelligence officer Jane Francis continues to defend the Constitution

Intensity Personified

Robert Haar doesn’t talk for the sake of talking

'When We Fight, We Win'

Lawyer and activist Rod Chapel has lived his father’s lesson

Close to Her Heart

Kristine Helen Bridges has helped dozens seek protective orders

Attorney's Bees

Don’t test Bill Ford—he once shook up 10,000 live bees

Long Overdue

How (and why) Mickes O’Toole made diversity its brand