
Evan Levow has a serious case of wanderlust—and the pictures to prove it

Published in 2023 New Jersey Super Lawyers magazine

By Beth Taylor on May 8, 2023


It was while spending a year in England as a junior in college that Evan Levow learned the word “dromomania:” the love of travel. If any word fits him, that’s it. “I have loved to travel ever since,” says Levow, who practices DWI/DUI defense statewide at Cherry Hill-based Levow DWI Law. “The joy of taking photographs of the beauty of the people and places I have encountered only grows.”

His travels have taken him to Barcelona, Bora Bora, most of Europe, India, Israel, Italy, Russia and Scotland, as well as all 50 states. Levow’s Nikon cameras are always at the ready—one with a 600mm lens for zooming in, and one with a 24-200mm lens and macro for the close-ups. After a trip to the Galapagos, Levow had to cull 450 photos from the 3,500 taken to fit into two volumes of a published photo essay.

Levow’s next destinations may be Africa, for a safari; and possibly Thailand. Though he sometimes traveled solo in his 20s, he now prefers to roam the globe with his wife, Sandi, and friends. But even at work, Levow is not far from his journeys. “I have transformed my office into somewhat of a gallery of my favorite travel photos,” he says. “If this lawyer thing doesn’t work out, I know what I will want to spend my time doing.”

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Evan M. Levow

Evan M. Levow

Top rated DUI-DWI lawyer Levow DWI Law, P.C. Cherry Hill, NJ

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