Browse Super Lawyers articles by year in Oregon
English Lesson
Plumbers’ pensions were down the drain till Stephen English taught their scheming fund managers a thing or two
The Last Laugh
William Barton may have been the class clown in law school, but today he's one of Oregon's finest trial lawyers (no joke)
Widows' Best Friend
Brent Renison takes on Immigration
Watching Out
Michael Williams keeps a sharp eye on the pharmaceutical industry
Helping Hands
Four local lawyers have a soft touch and a long reach
The Earth-Watchers
Lawyers in the midst of the environmental fray
Representing the Reprehensible
When Dishes Fly ...
Damage Control
When Lawrence Wobbrock shows up in court, he comes to win. The personal injury attorney’s jury award against Philip Morris was the largest in state history.
Where There's a Will...
...there's a Super Lawyer
Many Thanks
Supreme Thrill
For a lawyer, arguing a case before the highest court in the land brings supreme satisfaction