About Dave Kenney

Dave Kenney Articles written 3

Articles written by Dave Kenney

This is CNN’s Lawyer

Louise Sams wears many hats at Turner Broadcasting System  

Some 18 years ago, Louise Sams had a professional encounter that, in retrospect, probably qualifies as a defining moment. Sams was in her fifth year as an associate at the New York law firm White & Case, and headhunters had her in their sights. They used their standard pitch: she was running out of time to move on to a better job; if she stayed at White & Case much longer she'd find herself on the partnership track; if she didn't watch out, nobody else would want to hire her because she …

Is the GOP’s Big Tent Too Small?

Mark Lanier, founder of the Christian Trial Lawyers Association, is no one's liberal

Mark Lanier was beside himself. Last May, a colleague sent him a copy of a letter mailed out a few weeks earlier by Texas GOP chairman Tina J. Benkiser. In the letter, Benkiser flung an impressive array of invectives against a class of people particularly close to Lanier’s heart — trial attorneys: Wealthy personal injury trial lawyers are slinging mud and running dirty, down-in-the-gutter campaigns in a desperate bid to reclaim the power they crave. … [They] are as sleazy as they …

The Lawyer and the Ultra-Terrible Headache

Maybe a brain tumor slows other people down, but not Scott Schwind

There are plenty of ways to determine just how devoted attorneys are to their jobs. You can keep track of what time they arrive at work in the morning and what time they leave the office in the afternoon (or evening). You can check their billable hours. Or, under certain, very rare circumstances, you can see how long it takes them to return to work after undergoing major brain surgery.Judged by that last criterion alone, Scott Schwind must really love his job.Schwind, then an associate …

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