About Paul Tullis

Paul Tullis Articles written 6

Articles written by Paul Tullis

Stephanie Does Divorce

Rule #1: ALWAYS watch out for the children

So the other day my wife and I got into a bit of a tiff. We worked everything out, but a few days later she came into my office and saw a book called Divorce and Finances and a form from our broker. An empty feeling crawled through her body.   Then she remembered I was writing a profile about attorney Stephanie Blum, and the feeling lifted. Later in the day she told me the story and we shared a laugh.   It’s a good thing, too, because if I needed a divorce attorney and hired Stephanie Blum, …

No Secrets: Fighting for the Press’s Right to Know

From O.J. to Oklahoma City, Kelli Sager keeps the courts open

Lemons into lemonade. That’s Kelli Sager’s life story. During her junior year at USC, for example, there was a scandal involving certain members of the football team claiming academic credit for being on the debate team, which they were not. It’s a long story, but it ended in a seeming perversion of justice, with the debate coaches getting fired and a number of students on the debate team losing their scholarships. Sager was on an academic scholarship, so she wasn’t immediately …

My Own Private Nuremberg

Bill Schiller’s work in the former Yugoslavia helped the U.N. identify the bad guys

Bill Schiller is in his office at LaSalle and Madison, with piles of files on the floor around him, mementos of King’s College-London on the walls, and a Metro schedule taped to the filing cabinet over his right shoulder. It’s getting on toward lunchtime, and somewhere in his possibly-parallel-processing-capable brain, he may be thinking about the sandwich he’ll be eating at the Berghoff in half an hour, standing at the bar, like his father, uncle and grandfather — all Chicago lawyers …

The Trial Lawyer's Gift to America

After September 11, the threat of lawsuits hung over the American economy — until Leo Boyle and the trial lawyers took over

Like most of us, Leo Boyle remembers what he was doing the morning of September 11, 2001. Unlike most of us, however, Boyle took one look at CNN and immediately got to work. As president of the Association of Trial Lawyers of America (ATLA), Boyle knew the tragedy would have a direct effect on him and his profession. “It struck me that everything in the world was going to change,” he recalls, “and it seemed the legal system could not be immune.” Leo Boyle, of the Boston firm …

Top Gun

Whether he’s asked to broker a tricky negotiation or land a fighter jet in treacherous waters, Andy Scott never shies from a challenge

When Andy Scott is in a tough spot at work, such as when a recent negotiation anticipated to take four days instead dragged on for 28 days, he doesn’t center himself with thoughts of a Caribbean cove or a hilly vista in a New England autumn. He does recall a time he spent long ago and far away, but it’s not peaceful or especially pleasant.Andy Scott reminds himself that whatever he’s doing is not as difficult as landing an F-14 on an aircraft carrier, in deep seas, on a moonless …

The Spectacular Successes of Morgan Chu

Even the mighty Microsoft fell after this high school dropout took after it

Morgan Chu is the master of the calculated risk. Whether at a poker table or in the courtroom, he seems to know when to put all his chips on the table, literally or metaphorically. “When I was in law school, I’d play poker at least two full nights a week,” he recalls. “And when I say full nights, I mean I’d start at seven, play to sun-up, then go to class and then that next night start at seven again and play until at least four or five.” The classes he managed to attend between …

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