About Canaan Suitt, J.D.

Canaan Suitt, J.D. Articles written 192

Canaan Suitt received his J.D. from William & Mary Law School. After serving as a senior editor for the law school’s comparative law blog, he was a staff member of the William & Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review (ELPR). As a legal intern at the National Center for State Courts, he assisted in international rule of law projects and policy review; as a research assistant, he studied political dynamics in the U.S. federal judiciary. His articles on law and philosophy have been published in the ELPR as well as the academic journal Dewey Studies. He loves using his background in research and writing to make legal information accessible. Canaan currently writes for SuperLawyers.com. In his free time, he enjoys reading, travel, and being a cat dad.

Articles written by Canaan Suitt, J.D.

Is It Legal to Be Fired Without Notice?

Job security in an at-will employment world

It’s a troubling question that many employees have wondered about at some point: Can my employer fire me without notice? “The short answer is yes: In many to most circumstances, employees can be fired without notice,” says Sonya Smallets, an employment law attorney at Minnis & Smallets in San Francisco, California. The reason for this unsettling answer lies in the labor law doctrine of employment at will, which says that an employer can fire an employee: At any time and without …

What Is an Implied Employment Contract in Wrongful Termination?

Understanding the implied contract exception to at-will employment

In the United States, at-will employment is the norm for private-sector, non-union employees (with the notable exception of Montana state law). At-will employment means an employer can terminate your employment at any time, without notice, and for any reason that isn’t illegal under state or federal law. There are several important exceptions to at-will employment. For example, an employer can’t fire you for the following reasons: Employment discrimination; Retaliation for whistleblowing on …

Was I Fired for Discriminatory Reasons?

Proving damages in a wrongful termination lawsuit is key

If you’re a private-sector employee in the United States and you aren’t a member of a union, chances are you work at will. In essence, at-will employment means an employer can fire an employee at any time and for any reason. If that sounds unsettling, it’s important to know the exception to the rule: An employer can’t fire employees for illegal reasons. Leading examples of wrongful termination include: Breach of contract if an employment contract exists; Retaliation for reporting …

Can I Sue a Restaurant or Retailer if I Was Injured on Its Property?

Yes, however, there are challenges to be aware of when proving these cases

A waiter spilled a drink on the floor of the restaurant you're eating at and didn't clean it up or mark the area. When you go to the restroom, you slip on the wet floor, fall, and seriously injure your arm. Or you're shopping at the local grocery store, reach for a can, and the shelf collapses on you. When such incidents happen at a restaurant or retailer, can you sue the property owner for your injuries? Yes, premises liability is an area of law that lets individuals injured due to a dangerous …

Can I Sue for the Negligent Security of Property if I Was Injured?

Yes: negligent security lawsuits are a type of premises liability case alleging inadequate security

Premises liability lawsuits are a way for individuals injured on someone else's property to get compensation for their injuries. The exact obligations of a landowner, property manager, business owner, or landlord vary by state law, but in their basic form, premises liability cases allege that because a property owner failed to keep their property reasonably safe, the plaintiff got injured and is therefore entitled to compensation. One way that a property owner can fail to keep their property …

Can I Sue for Inadequate Maintenance of Property?

Yes: legal remedies are available if you were injured due to unsafe property conditions

Many unsafe property conditions result from the owner's inadequate maintenance of the property—repairs that are delayed or never happen. If unsafe conditions—for example, uneven walkways, broken handrails, or loose carpeting—cause visitors injury, the injured person can hold the property owner liable through a premises liability lawsuit. Here is a practical overview of what you'll generally have to prove in a premises liability case. The Four Things You Must Prove in a Premises Liability …

Avoiding Pay Back: Medicaid Planning and Estate Recovery

Protecting your assets from state reimbursement for nursing home care costs

Medicaid is a health insurance program partially funded and administered by the states in accordance with standards set by the federal government. Medicaid helps eligible individuals pay the costs of long-term care services, including: Nursing facility services; In-home and community-based services; Prescription drug services; and Hospital healthcare costs. When a Medicaid beneficiary passes away, the state can try to reimburse its costs from the person's estate through its Medicaid Estate …

Signs It's Time to Consult a Lawyer for Nursing Home Problems

If you’re seeing signs of elder abuse or serious personal injuries, contact an attorney

If you have a loved one who lives in a nursing home or other long-term care facility and you’re noticing problems with the care they receive, at what point should you call a lawyer about those problems? “It's often tough, from a layperson's perspective, to know if what’s happening is enough for a lawsuit,” says nursing home abuse attorney Art Gharibian. “Do I need to talk to a lawyer, or should I just complain to the nursing home administrator? It can be tricky to navigate these …

Three Steps to Address Concerns About Your Loved One’s Nursing Home Care

Advocating for the well-being of your loved one

If you have a family member who resides in an assisted living facility and you're seeing problems with the care they are receiving, you want to know: How do I resolve this problem and ensure my loved one receives quality care in the future? Art Gharibian, an elder law attorney in Glendale, California, whose firm focuses on nursing home abuse litigation, medical malpractice, and wrongful death, shares insights on some of the common issues family members have with nursing homes and the steps you …

Should I Sue for Sexual Harassment in Federal or State Court?

Understanding how a state discrimination claim may be better than a Title VII claim

When pursuing litigation for any legal issue, determining which laws to sue under and the specific claims to bring is a fundamental step. Sometimes, plaintiffs are forced by circumstances—such as a missed statute of limitations time limit or failure to meet certain legal requirements—to sue in one court over another. Other times, plaintiffs have the option to sue under federal or state law and have to decide which will be most advantageous to their cause. It’s not always a straightforward …

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