Attorney feature articles in Massachusetts

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Browse Super Lawyers articles by year in Massachusetts


Wearing Harvard Crimson

Robert Iuliano on Larry Summers, life in Cambridge and the university as a corporation

All the World’s a Courtroom

Joan Lukey's flair for the dramatic       

Nancy Shilepsky's Legacy

Losing isn't an option

When the Dishes Start Flying

Family law attorneys tell us how they deal with good people at their worst

The Storyteller

The appeal of a well-told tale inspired Kathryn Conde to become a commercial litigator

Gina Barry's Pet Project

Here’s one lawyer who cares what happens to your pet after you’re gone

Josh Dalton and the Green Monster

One Boston attorney’s tale of defending baseball’s most famous wall

The Man Behind the Camera

Michael Rader wants you to be informed on Middle East issues

The Most Important Time Is Now

Boston attorney Sam Kim's penchant for Christian charity leads him to serve more than his clients

The Road to Equality

Mary Bonauto fights for love and marriage

Oh Henry!

Vickie Henry has made a career of winning difficult fights and doing it with a smile

A Valuable Deduction

Tax attorney Eric Rothenberg invests in big-screen success

A Fireside Chat with James Roosevelt Jr.

The only thing he has to fear is … that the Bush administration will try again to privatize his grandfather’s Social Security system

Albano's Crusade

Jonathan Albano forced the Catholic Church to open its sealed records on sexual abuse

The Power of Marsha Kazarosian

How one attorney got a country club to play fair

Catching the Shutter Bug

Fine-art photographer Clyde Bergstresser captures the world on film

Monkey Business

Ellen Epstein Cohen doesn’t clown around when she represents the circus

Freedom Fighter

Jennifer Chunias can't rest knowing innocent people are in prison